Thursday, August 20, 2009

a Thesis on life: (Your Fucking Job In LIFE)

Did you know you have a job in life?
yea i kinda figured you didn't,
don't worry some of you fuckers have some great jobs, you get to be awesome, you get to do, meet, date and fuck some awesome people.
but then theres people like me,
i call my self a intersection, you get to meet me and then your life gets to go some were, iv slowly begone to realize very few of you fuckers actually realize this so im going to say it here, barely any of you fuck are what i consider a true friend, im not pointing out who is or isn't but i mean come on allot of you have benefited at some point from knowing me.
i mean this is fucking weird, i never expected to keep allot of friends but really when you only two people left from joiner high you can remember as friends and even that didn't change much in joiner high, somethings thoroughly fucked..
ill give a better explanation of my job in life,
heres a situation:
you person A meets me,
i introduce you to a series of people iv come to know and slightly trust,
you then go off have fun with these people and within at lest four months
i don't truly know you
frankly when you get back to the point where i can talk to you,
you've become something i never want to truly know,
you become better,
most of the time its the first one.
like i said im not pointing fingers but very few people who know me do i consider friends.
and another thing, im always the one calling you fuckers, never then one being called, i guess that tells me afuck of alot about you guys dont it?

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