Thursday, August 27, 2009

Death old and new

The Evloution of an old character into a better character

Thursday, August 20, 2009

a Thesis on life: (Your Fucking Job In LIFE)

Did you know you have a job in life?
yea i kinda figured you didn't,
don't worry some of you fuckers have some great jobs, you get to be awesome, you get to do, meet, date and fuck some awesome people.
but then theres people like me,
i call my self a intersection, you get to meet me and then your life gets to go some were, iv slowly begone to realize very few of you fuckers actually realize this so im going to say it here, barely any of you fuck are what i consider a true friend, im not pointing out who is or isn't but i mean come on allot of you have benefited at some point from knowing me.
i mean this is fucking weird, i never expected to keep allot of friends but really when you only two people left from joiner high you can remember as friends and even that didn't change much in joiner high, somethings thoroughly fucked..
ill give a better explanation of my job in life,
heres a situation:
you person A meets me,
i introduce you to a series of people iv come to know and slightly trust,
you then go off have fun with these people and within at lest four months
i don't truly know you
frankly when you get back to the point where i can talk to you,
you've become something i never want to truly know,
you become better,
most of the time its the first one.
like i said im not pointing fingers but very few people who know me do i consider friends.
and another thing, im always the one calling you fuckers, never then one being called, i guess that tells me afuck of alot about you guys dont it?

Thursday, August 13, 2009

BioPunk:Repo! the genetic operah and GenGeneration

so being a Sci-fi buff iv studied lots of science fiction stuffs and a long time ago a friend convinced me to play ShadowRun see Elf here: [link] and i loved it, then i started looking up other stuff related to it i had kinda heard about CyberPunk like everyone else except it seems i know more then most anyways i noticed in the tucked away subgenres there where other things like SteamPunk a universe where the world never got past steam and it seemed interesting and the i noticed the smaller tucked away genre BioPunk.

now why do i bring this up? well my friends this Genre has had an uprising at lest to movies now use this theme one is very popular an almost no one realizes its the main bases for the film these movies?
GenGeneration and Repo! the genetic opera both are actually BioPunk/CyberPunk movies so i got to ask did someone decide to unleash the BioPunk genre without telling anyone?

anyway i haven't had a chance to watch either yet but im working on it ^_^

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Tim Berton/Edger Allan Poe

Rant or Lets Kill Edger Allen Poe and shoot time Berton

(disclamer your going to hate this please be objective and interesting not a flaming dick)

when i was in school everybody told me how awesome Poe was,
having read the tell tale Heart, the raven, and having seen a movie version of The Fall of the house of Usher, i believe i can say Fuck edger, hes an over hyped incestuous Pedophelic basterd who's only good job in life was dieing, hes story's whern't interesting or edgy or macabre they were boring and unfulfilling his characters tame and uninspiring, the dark of his story's are simple and just bad,
the raven whilst probly the best of his works is 3-4 pages of simple high school grad poetry, it give nothing but questions that unless truly hunted for have no answers, his work had no message it was a juvenil attempts at getting attention it was like the kid who cuts himself to get people to pay attention to him.

people like the Beatniks had darker poetry, howle for example is full of imagery and imagination and is inspiring with its message, or Naked lunch a tripe into the sick worlds or heroin with none stop edge and fucked up reality both the movie and the book were different both played with your head and kept you reading.
Nicole black men spoke/broken word poet was a 100% better in her way with words from storys of broken people to dystopian City's.
Samuel Tyler Coleridge, wrote things Edger only dreamed of writing, the Rime of the ancient Mariner,
a story of a man who's luck was so horrible he got lost at sea his crew mates dieing around him and blaming him, who makes a pact to tell his tale as long as hes aloud to live.

Poe is an over rated little shit, I believe he should be burned right along with Tim Berton
now there's another fuck who should die, Tim Berton who never had a great idea in his life.
maker of beetle juice: ha, a boring story where the only character of true interest is the main girl, Beetle juice himself is a bland and plan stupid as shit character, the normal people like in most of Berton's attempt at movies over done, there stupid and don't get anything or look to uncomfortable to even be in existence.
Edward scissor hands and the need to make a hero that appealed to "Goth": with the dumbest looking houses in the world, he kills a jock at the end what a true hero, the idea that his master would give him hands dies and Edward destroys the hands? why give him scissors for hands to begin with???
the first thing people do when they see him is ether to fuck him or try to sell him make up???
maybe im just not getting it.
Nightmare Before Christmas: when the only good parts of the movie are writen by Danny Elfman somethings wrong, i love Danny Elfman dont get me wrong but his work with Berton is the only good thing about Berton in this movie.
Batman: ill just use the quote from Berton himself: "I would never read a comic book" nuff said
Berton is over rated and doesn't even need to try hard to get people to like him anymore.
Charley and the Chocolate factory missed the bulls eye so far it hit a passing pedestrian and kept going, missing the original message of the original movie destroys the songs and killed the umpalumpas.
Sweeny Toddy his dark and edgy piece is actually interesting if it weren't for Berton's need to destroy the fashion of the time period the movie was made in the movie woulda been better

hell in my opinion Berton wishes he was Voltaire but i could never prove it.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Welcome to the hell fire

after a lot of debate iv desided to post works from my DA,

and works that cant be posted there, also ill be looking into writing movie music and political reviews.
we will see what happens stay tuned